IBM Books

Software User's Guide Version 3.4

LSA Virtual Channel Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

This section describes dynamic reconfiguration (DR) as it affects Talk 6 and Talk 5 commands.

CONFIG (Talk 6) Delete Interface

LSA Virtual Channel supports the CONFIG (Talk 6) delete interface command with no restrictions.

GWCON (Talk 5) Activate Interface

LSA Virtual Channel supports the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command with the following considerations:

All LSA Virtual Channel interface-specific commands are supported by the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Reset Interface

LSA Virtual Channel supports the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command with the following considerations:

All LSA Virtual Channel interface-specific commands are supported by the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Temporary Change Commands

LSA Virtual Channel supports the following GWCON commands that temporarily change the operational state of the device. These changes are lost whenever the device is reloaded, restarted, or you execute any dynamically reconfigurable command.
GWCON, net, tune acklen
Note:Changes the operational value of the ACKLEN (acknowledgement length)
GWCON, net, tune blktimer
Note:Changes the operational value of the BLKTIMER (block timer)

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